The Emotional Alchemy of Music: Turn Down the Negativity, Turn Up the Joy
Do you know how many thoughts go through your head per day?
100? 500? 1,000?
Results from a 2020 study suggested that on average, 6,000 thoughts go through your head in a single day![1]
Since our core thoughts don’t change much day-to-day, most are likely the same ideas from the day before.
And if the majority of these thoughts are perceived as negative, finding peace of mind would prove difficult.
A study found that mental imagery directly impacts your visual perception.[2]
It found that even a single instance of an image can tilt how you see the world, dramatically if the conditions are right.
This means that what you consider reality is simply a matter of the thoughts you repeatedly think.
And since the mind controls the body, we begin to see how illness is allowed to manifest and grow within that body.
It’s the placebo effect but in reverse.
This is why many make a big deal about saying affirmations, taking time to visualize, and even sit quietly to meditate.
Meditation allows you to silence all thoughts, especially those you did not create.
Visualization allows you to see the world as you would have it be. As they say, seeing is believing.
Affirmations allow you to affirm with confidence your state of being, which is a result of your thoughts. Hence the saying, think before you speak.
Music is a wonderful tool to accomplish all three.
One study showed that the patients who listened to music had less anxiety and stress hormones in the body than people who took drugs.[3]
When listening to music, your mind goes to another place (meditation).
You can feel and imagine what the song invokes (visualization).
And what do you do while listening? You sing or chant along (affirmations) with full confidence even if the song has nothing to do with your life.
The big question then is, what happens when the songs you choose unknowingly reinforce the thoughts of distrust, loneliness, and even depression that led you to seek distraction in music in the first place?
Another loop.
You need music to calm down because you feel anxious. Yet you feel anxious because you’ve added more thoughts of fear rather than thoughts of joy to your mind.
These thoughts play in your head on repeat all day long to the tune of your favorite song created by artists that share this same distorted way of thinking.
So how do you get out of this loop?
The same way you got in.
By adding more thoughts, but this time thoughts of truth. And by letting go of the non-true thoughts you’ve clung to for so long.
But this could take years and a level of focus that a mind in this state isn’t capable of reaching alone.
This is where I come in.
I speak to the source of your conflicting thoughts using your logic patterns so that you can clearly see the truth from the illusion.
I do this using music, imagery, and nature’s gift … repetition.
By listening to even one of my songs twice a day, you’ll have enough thoughts of truth going through your mind in a week than you’ve had all year long.
As many have stated:
- “Man your rap really heals the pain, I’ve listened to this more than 100 times”
- “Your songs work like medicine”
- “Wooooooooow”
- “I suffer from depression and anxiety, this is gonna help me live my guy”
Music is medicine, but my album IAMNOBODY, IAMSOMEONE can be a cure.
What music do you listen to regularly?