Spiritual Math Secrets and The Divine Equation
What if I told you that you have more control over your experience than you realize and that it’s all a simple math equation that you already have the answer to? Would you solve it? Let’s talk spiritual math.
I will attempt to keep this article as simple as possible so that a non-Math person can understand and apply these spiritual math concepts.
I will also cite sources where you can go deeper into math principles if you so choose.
What is Spiritual Math as opposed to regular Math?
Short for Mathematics, Math is a universal language and a fundamental tool for understanding the physical world around us. It is the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes, and their relationships to one another.
Math is used to describe and model the behavior of natural phenomena, from the smallest particles in the universe to the largest structures in the cosmos. It is the foundation of science, technology, engineering, and finance, and plays a crucial role in almost every aspect of our daily lives.
Similarly, Spiritual Math is a term that refers to the use of mathematical concepts and principles in exploring spiritual or metaphysical ideas. It recognizes that math is not just a tool for understanding the physical world, but also has the potential to illuminate deeper truths about the nature of reality and our place in it.
Spiritual Math can involve the use of geometry, numerology, and other mathematical techniques to explore concepts such as the interconnectedness of all things, the nature of consciousness, and the relationship between the material and spiritual realms.
It can be seen as a way to bridge the gap between science and spirituality and to provide a language for exploring the mysteries of the universe beyond what can be perceived through our physical senses.
Are you ready to add more to your life or would you simply like to remain equal to the negativity that seems to exist?
0 and 1
0 and 1 are the basis of all computing systems and operations, including circuitry. Often referred to as the binary number system, 1 and 0 represent two choices, which can be displayed in a myriad of ways…yes & no, true & false, on & off, ok & cancel. You get the idea.
I won’t get into the details of binary, but if you want to learn more, check this article on How To Read Binary.
As I said earlier, 1 and 0 can be used to represent true and false, which means only one of these numbers is true, 1.
0 does not exist. It’s imaginary.
Mathematically speaking, since zero is both nonpositive and its own square root, then zero can be considered imaginary.
But I’m speaking logically. If 1 represents true, then zero represents false.
They can never be equal. And if both existed equally, we would not.
What is true can never be false. What is false can sometimes seem true, but it can never be.
Since falseness is inconsistent with itself, it has no foundation of truth to stand on. It is imaginary.
Truth on the other hand, or 1, is always true no matter what.
This is the basis of spiritual math.
If something truly exists, it shares the same properties as 1 or as truth.
Now we can begin to understand the expressions, “All are 1” and “Everything is one.”
So what is 0 really?
0 is more like “not 1”.
For example, if 1 represents all that is right, good, true, holy, and magnificent, then what is its opposite?
It has no opposite, but more on that later.
For now, we’ll accept the usual representation of the opposition, which would be considered wrong, sinful, false, unholy, and weak.
So for example, if something is “not good”, many would say it’s bad or sinful.
In other words, “not good” is to sinful as “not 1” is to 0.
What should begin to be clear now is that what is “not” is not. “Not” is not real and you shouldn’t let the idea of what’s not real take up real space in your mind.
The Introduction of 0
Quick history lesson.
It’s hard to say exactly when the concept of 0 was introduced into the world’s mathematics. Just know it wasn’t there from the beginning.
Some say it was first introduced in India around 500 AD. Others say zero dates back to the 7th century in a manuscript called the Bakhshali manuscript that was eventually transmitted to the Islamic world, where it was further developed and eventually introduced to Europe in the 12th century. And still, others say zero was first recorded in Mesopotamia around the year 3 B.C.
Regardless of when it was first brought into awareness, zero has had a profound impact on the development of mathematics, as it enabled the creation of the decimal system, which is still used today.
The introduction of zero also paved the way for the development of algebra and calculus, which would later revolutionize the fields of science and engineering.
And as such, the concept of zero is now considered to be one of the most important contributions to human civilization, as it has had a profound impact on the way we understand and interact with the world around us.
All of this from a false/imaginary number.
Is this to say that algebra and calculus are also false? That’s not for me to say.
I will say, however, applying this technique to the words above, we get some interesting combinations.
Understanding “Not 1”
To put this in full perspective, not 1 can be represented as:
- Not complete
- Not good
- Not truth
- Not real
- Not rich
- Not life
- Incomplete
- Sinful
- False
- Imaginary
- Poor
- Death
By making “not 1” a thing, many are able to react to it as if it is real and engage with this non-realness on a regular basis.
By this same logic, people are able to react to “not good” as if it were a real thing claiming that “sin is real”.
In the same way that the concept of zero has spawned algebra, calculus, engineering, science, and more….the concept of sin or evil deeds has spawned sickness, death, judgment, mental illness, etc.
This may be a stretch, but then again, it may “not”.
That is the power of “not 1”. It forces you to look at what is not there and experience it as if it was.
Understanding 1
We see what “not 1” is, but what exactly is 1?
Here’s the irony. 1 cannot be fully understood alone, which is also why it’s not good for man to be alone.
To really understand and know anything, you have to live it. And what better way than to live in oneness?
It’s not possible to live in none-ness or zero-ness because then nothing would exist. But with oneness, all things are the same. I’ll explain.
Anything that means anything to you, you have given meaning to it.
I’ll repeat. Anything that means anything to you, YOU have given meaning to it.
Now, look around you. From your body to the room that you’re in, you’ve given some sort of meaning and even value to it.
Without you giving the world meaning, it would in a sense to you be formless and void. A human body would just be clay and a building would just be sticks and stones.
Yet even those comparisons have meaning that you have also given.
Because of your core rootedness in truth, you have the ability to imagine and even use this imagination to project meaning onto that which has none.
Living In Oneness
When oneness is truly lived, you recognize that what is on the inside is also reflected/seen on the outside.
However, when oneness is falsely lived, what you see seems imbalanced or unequal.
The reason is that the oneness law is inescapable. It is what you are.
Even in an imagined conflicting world of 1s and 0s, you still live in oneness because the laws & rules you apply to others, you are also subjected to.
1 = 1. Always.
1 represents All. And within All lies even the possibility/illusion of not, or 0.
This is why you could judge someone as naive or ignorant when they don’t believe what you believe, and yet in this misbelief, they don’t share the consequence that would befall you, had you lived their beliefs.
This is also why you may perceive certain friends as lucky or able to get away with what you could never. Your perceived oneness within does equal another’s perceived oneness within. Each are mixed with a combination of 1s and 0s.
Even though neither of you may be living 100% aligned with truth, both of you are still experiencing aspects of the law of oneness in your own way.
So what is within always appears without.
Opposite vs Equal
You may have heard that you live in a world of duality. Binary language is a representation of duality meaning there are two sides to all. But as I said earlier, 1 has no opposite. This is because it has no other sides. It’s all-encompassing. 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1, forever and ever.
Modern math represents opposite numbers as their negative counterpart. So it would claim that the opposite of 1 is -1.
However, -1 is also an imaginary number. It can’t be represented physically.
If an imaginary number is not real then it is equal to every other imaginary number in its not-realness.
What’s imaginary is equal to what’s imaginary.
To claim that something is opposite another is another matter indeed.
An opposite must be as powerful as the other to be considered a true opposite.
One wouldn’t judge another as their enemy unless they believe this person is as capable or even more capable than them.
Mathematically speaking, stating that 1 = 1 or 0 = 0 is a true representation of equal and opposite.
Saying that 1 ≠ 0 is not representing opposition or equality, but just stating the obvious.
So while you’re continuing to give parts of your world a negative meaning, recognize that these parts or circumstances should have no power over you because firstly, you’ve given meaning to it thus making you its maker. And secondly, what has no power or what has imaginary power shies away when in the presence of true power, you.
1 Division
Sounds like a singing group, huh?
Now that we understand the all-encompassing nature of 1, what would happen if 1 could be split?
Let’s divide.
Why divide? Because again, to truly understand something, you have to live it, being within it and it within you.
To keep it simple, we’ll divide 1 evenly.
We’ll say 1 divided by 2.
Commonly in math, 1 divided by 2 is considered one half, but let’s use the symbol … ½.
But actually, it’s ½ + ½. The other half didn’t magically disappear. It’s just that for some reason, mathematicians were focused on the subset.
So now we have 2 equal parts of ½.
Since we know that 1 is considered good, let’s restate that. 1 is good.
Now we split 1 (or good) into 2.
You now have 2 parts good. Yet each one represents half of good.
If we took one of the halves and regarded it as whole, what is it made up as?
It’s still good because, from the perspective of all of good, it’s half of itself.
Some would even say it’s just half good. To which I would ask, then what’s the other half made up as?
This is where things get confusing to individual minds, similar to halved minds.
It believes that part of itself is missing or cut off simply because it chooses to be halved or not connected.
So instead of regarding itself as whole, it seeks another half.
Now it’s getting interesting.
But let’s say this ½ judges its other ½ as being bad.
From the judgment of the first ½, this half now unknowingly sees itself as bad simply because, ½ = ½.
And since what’s bad could never equal what’s good, the self-judged divides again to search for ½ good, but each half is halved making it a fourth, an eighth, a sixteenth, and so on.
Are you with me?
Plugging In Real Values
Let’s look at this another way.
Good = ½Good + ½Good
If we subtract ½Good from both sides, we get…
Good – ½Good = ½Good
½Good = Good – ½Good
Since it’s getting confusing, let’s give these all names to simplify.
We’ll name Good as Christ. The first ½Good would be Adam and the other ½Good would be Eve.
Let’s list all the equations we can to represent this using basic math.
Christ = Adam + Eve
Adam = Christ – Eve
Eve = Christ – Adam
Adam = Eve
Now Adam and Eve both feel incomplete. They’ve been cut off in a sense from each other. Yet from the perspective of Christ, nothing has been lost. Christ still has all parts of himself.
From the perspectives of Adam and Eve, something is not right.
So Adam attempts to join with Eve and the two feel good together.
Then Eve does something Adam does not agree with and he judges her as bad. But Adam equals Eve? So Adam has unknowingly or unconsciously judged himself as bad.
Since they are all that is, they still mix and mingle. They have two kids together.
From the perspective of Christ, nothing has been lost.
Christ = Adam + Eve + Child 1 + Child 2
It may seem like Christ has gained. This is true, but not in the way you think. The energy or value of Christ is still the same, however, the energy that makes up Christ has shifted and new possibilities are formed, but still all within the 1.
Now from the perspective of Adam, he may believe he’s greater than the others.
Adam < Christ
Yet, Adam believes:
Adam > Eve
Adam > Child 1
Adam > Child 2
But truly:
Adam = Eve
And now also:
Adam = Child 1
Adam = Child 2
But because Adam believes he is greater, then he unknowingly or unconsciously made others greater than he in his mind. So to even the playing field or to even out the equation, he has thoughts of attempting to belittle the “others”, not realizing that they are also himself.
This cycle repeats and repeats for each.
Yet Christ is still a happy 1.
And within, the perceived individuals are not ready to accept that the sum of all its parts equals the whole.
In other words, you plus me plus everyone else in existence make up this oneness.
And since all the parts are equal, having a good life is as simple as recognizing the good in all. Because to judge one is to judge yourself.
To state that another way, since you’ve given meaning to all you see, you’re really only seeing yourself. And to then judge against what you see, would directly be judging against yourself.
Bad Math or better yet ‘Not Math’
It’s easy to believe that you’re greater than another because of a misinterpretation of the following equation.
Remember how:
Christ = Adam + Eve
Then to solve for Adam would be:
Adam = Christ – Eve
The misinterpretation comes from the above. Adam may feel that if he gets rid of Eve, then he will be equal to Christ.
But again remember that since Adam is equal to Eve, we can substitute Adam for Eve. So to represent this perceived equation accurately would be:
Adam = Christ – Adam
From Adam’s perspective, he would lose himself in the process.
But since 1 is always 1, Adam would only imagine that he’s lost himself.
Again, from the viewpoint of Christ, the equation is still balanced, we see that:
Christ = Adam + Adam
Going back to this equation and looking at it differently, we have:
Adam = Christ – Eve
Now Adam attempts to remove Eve and…
Adam – Eve = Christ – Eve – Eve
Since Adam equals Eve, we have:
0 = Christ
Since Christ represents 1, we see how untrue this statement is:
0 = 1
It doesn’t and it won’t. Yet that is what happens when you attempt to go against a fellow self.
Takeaways One
What can be concluded from this?
- We truly are all connected.
- If you judge me, you judge yourself.
- If you praise me, you praise yourself.
- Negativity has no power because it’s imaginary.
- Division is impossible because all parts of the 1 still remain.
- What I see has always just been me, so why don’t I start seeing through the eyes of the 1.
If you’ve enjoyed this, here’s another fun thing with numbers tailored to exactly who you are.
Last, check out this rap song 123 which represents both the halved side and then the whole side as outlined in this article.