You Are What You Journal: The Only Journal Prompts That Actually Matter
These journal prompts will quickly get you in alignment with what you truly want, not just with what you think you want.
I first got introduced to journaling from the book The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. In it he spoke about doing SAVERS daily…
- S – Silence – Sitting in silence or meditating
- A – Affirmations – Saying affirmations
- V – Visualizations – Visualizing yourself receiving/achieving what you want
- E – Exercise – Exercising
- R – Reading – Reading books toward what you want to learn
- S – Scribing – Journaling
I had experience with all of the above except journaling. I knew how the others were helpful so it made it easier to trust the recommendation to add journaling to my repertoire.
So I “borrowed” a notebook from my then job’s supply cabinet and got ready to journal.
The only problem was, I didn’t know what to write.
I probably actually wrote, “I don’t know what to write in here.” next to that day’s date.
Yet this is a new day. With more experience and knowledge around the subject, I’m here to provide you with the journal prompts that will help serve you the most.
Journal Prompts You Should Be Using
- What can I do today (or tomorrow) that will make me super happy?
- What do I love about my life?
- What’s something that sucks and is there a way of looking at it where I no longer think it’s sucky?
- If money was never an issue, how would I spend my day?
- Make a list of people that have wronged me and explain why I’m scared to forgive them.
- What does God want me to do that I’m avoiding?
- It’s been said that … “How you do anything is how you do everything.” … How does that make me feel about my life?
What journal prompts do you use that are the most transformative?