A Course In Miracles (Full Review)
It is my honor to do a review of A Course In Miracles (ACIM).
This book is the most life-changing-est truth-telling-est healing book ever, well, at least from the books I’ve read so far. 😁
A Course In Miracles is on my MUST-READ LIST OF BOOKS.
This book filled in all the gaps of every question I couldn’t answer about life. Like:
- What is our purpose for living?
- How can I perform miracles?
- Why does evil exist?
- Why do people die?
A Course In Miracles (ACIM) provides definite answers to these questions and more.
The information given in this book is so transformative that readers love to recall how they came to know about the book.
If you haven’t realized yet, you aren’t reading this post on accident.
About the Book
In short, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is a self-study spiritual course.
The version that I’m linking to is the combined version, which includes:
- The Text
- The Workbook for Students
- The Manual for Teachers
- The Clarification of Terms
The Text introduces and explains the concepts of performing miracles in great detail (699 pages).
The Workbook for Students is based on The Text but allows for practical application of these concepts. This 488-page workbook contains 365 lessons, one for each day.
The book urges you not to attempt more than one lesson per day. In some instances, you may want to repeat a lesson for several days before moving forward.
The Manual for Teachers (92 pages), answers many of the questions that may have seemed unanswered by the Text and the Workbook.
Finally, there is the Clarification of Terms.
The Clarification of Terms is just that. So that there is little confusion, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) explains certain terms even further such as true perception, the ego, forgiveness, etc.
It’s important to note that the course is not about learning from the course but learning to listen to your own Internal Teacher.
How To Read for Free
Holybooks.com offers a free PDF version of ACIM that you can download.
You can also read A Course In Miracles online for free via ACIM Now.
The History of A Course In Miracles
You can read all about ACIM’s origins here, but here are the cliff notes.
The first official copy was released in 1976 by the Foundation for Inner Peace.
It is said that the book had been dictated to Schucman, word for word, via “inner dictation” from Christ.[1]
Helen Schucman and William Thetford, Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City came together to find a better way than being angry and aggressive all the time in life.
Shortly after, Schucman began receiving downloads of information that was the foundation of the course. Thetford was there to encourage and help her sort out the information.
The entire process took about seven years, 1965 to 1972.
Who Is This Book For
As the book states in its introduction…
“This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time.”
This book is for everyone from every background.
I’ve personally shared ACIM’s concepts with atheists, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduists, and Jewish people both young and old. I shouldn’t be amazed, but I’m amazed at how easily and quickly it is accepted.
The reason is that the truth is undeniable. What’s special about the truth is that it’s simple and kind.
My song Let Go was directly inspired by what the course has helped me to see. Not only did I receive praise for the song by rap fans, but many people have messaged me saying, “I don’t even listen to rap and I would listen to you all day.”
This is a testament to the truth. No matter the form it appears, it is accepted unless you choose to hide from it.
In case you have not realized it, the truth is God. God is Love. Love is truth. All are the same. All are real.
My Experience with ACIM
I found out about A Course In Miracles from another book that was a channeled writing called Jesus: My Autobiography.
The title had me like, WHAAT..but what I read in that book was profound. I even tried to poke holes in its theories to test its truthfulness, but could not.
In that book, it said something like, “And this is why I wrote A Course In Miracles.”
I looked up the course, saw that the writers and publishers were different from those of Jesus: My Autobiography, and ordered ACIM immediately. According to Amazon, I ordered it on May 24, 2018.
Upon reading the first couple of chapters, everything changed.
Even though it was a tough read, I couldn’t put A Course In Miracles down. It answered EVERYTHING I ever wanted to know.
I was telling everybody that they NEED TO READ THIS BOOK. Friends and family believed me, but they had their own things they were doing.
The Practice
At the time, I was in a couple of Mastermind Groups where we would help each other achieve goals.
In it, I started to recognize the self-sabotaging habits as outlined in the course among those in my mastermind.
I wanted to offer them this newfound wisdom but feared how it would be received. Learning of fear’s illusionary nature through the course helped me to proceed.
And to both my surprise and our benefit, most of the members accepted it. Those that didn’t still did in a way, but I won’t go into that here. Message me, if you have questions about that.
With this humble confidence, people in all areas of my life felt open enough to share their perceived problems with me. Each time, I would end up giving them divine expert advice that helped tremendously (it helped me too).
One could say I was performing miracles. 😁
Years later I’m still amazed by this.
To this day I don’t think anyone in my Mastermind Groups has ever gotten sick since. I’m going to verify that and update this post.
Anyway, my world continued to change even more. Things that mattered didn’t and things that didn’t did.
The Impact on My Music
The biggest change was the music I wrote. I could no longer write certain types of songs as they added to the illusions of the world.
There’s no way I could make illusions for others and not be affected by them.
So I started making a few songs using these concepts and I was excited because these songs weren’t corny at all. In fact, they jam!
Hearing God’s Voice
I never shared this part publicly before, but this is around the time I heard God’s Voice.
I’ve never heard something more clear than this statement, “Just finish the album.”
Naturally, I had many questions. “Well, what if…”
“Just finish the album.”
“Can’t I just…”
“Just finish the album.”
“I don’t know how to …”
“Just finish the album.”
Ok, God. I got You.
By the way, that album is finished and available for streaming/purchase here.
Who would’ve ever guessed it?
I’m now a spiritual teacher and rap artist that has helped at least tens of thousands to overcome mental illness and see the light that lives within them.
Best of all, there has been no resistance throughout this process. Somehow, everything I’ve been doing including my living expenses has been taken care of.
It’s like it’s a miracle. 🤔
I speak more about it in this interview by Miracles Tribe.
The Impact of A Course In Miracles on the World
Since it went on sale in 1976, A Course In Miracles has been distributed globally and translated into 22 languages.
It’s difficult to gauge the direct impact of A Course In Miracles because many may have not realized they’ve been affected by it.
For example, if you’ve read anything on this site, you’ve been directly impacted by A Course In Miracles.
Combined, there are over a million pieces of content dedicated to spreading its message of forgiveness and leading with love always via books, videos, songs, quotes, study groups (I currently belong to two), conversations, and more.
My Recommendations
Order A Course In Miracles immediately.
There is an audiobook, but I highly recommend that you get a physical copy.
ACIM is not a simple read. You may find yourself re-reading the same line more than once to really understand it.
If you were listening with the audiobook, you would always be rewinding.
Although you can go at your own pace on any of the sections, I recommend reading at least the first two chapters of the Text before starting the Workbook Lessons.
The reasoning behind this is that some of the workbook lessons may seem uncomfortable, silly, or even unbelievable.
By reading the first couple of chapters of the Text, you will understand why your perception of the Workbook is skewed. You will also recognize the truth of the Text thus removing doubt of its validity.
Are you ready to consciously perform miracles?
Then let’s get it!