My Favorite Books of All Time: These Books Will Heal You
Yes, you read that right. These books will heal you. You could also just listen to my album. 😄 But if you want the book version of healing, read on.
Let’s clarify what it means to heal. To heal is to return to your natural state. It is to dispel all illusion. To heal is to bring you aligned with truth.
Truth never changes. What is true is true for all without exemption.
Your mind controls your body and you control your mind. So to heal the mind is to heal the body.
Believing False Truths
A lot of what we consider to be real is an illusion. We came in contact with an idea and we let that idea manifest in our life. Examples of these ideas are: “It’s natural to get sick”, “Stranger danger”, “You have to work hard for money”, “Sex before marriage is wrong”, etc.
I already know, some of these may have you yelling at your screen, “No, that belief is TRUE!” But if you truly believed it to be true, you wouldn’t be angered by some saying it is not. For example, “The ocean is yellow.” See, that didn’t make you angry. 😄
The following books are books that helped me tremendously in letting go of the unknowingly false beliefs that I held so tight.
And now I pass them along to you.
My only instruction is, don’t read these books simply because I recommended them. Read them because you are drawn to a particular book at this exact moment.
The Money Books
I’m starting with the money books because many people believe in money.
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
I’m sure many of you have heard of Rich Dad Poor Dad. It’s a personal finance/business book that has sold over 32 million copies in over 51 languages across 109 countries according to Wikipedia.
I love this book because the focus is on mindset and not necessarily money. Believing in money itself can be very limiting. Believing that you can create wealth at any time is very empowering. As a result of creating wealth, you receive wealth.
Rich Dad Poor Dad was introduced to me by the father of my business partner. This came at a time when I was fresh out of college. The strange thing was despite my scholastic success, I never fully grasped the idea that you could learn useful information from a book. Mainly because I felt school books were forced upon me and I never cared to read them, even when required.
Rich Dad Poor Dad was the first that changed my mindset on books and on that of wealth in general.
If you feel you always have money problems, give this book a read. It won’t solve your problems, but it will help you to see that money was never a problem.
Warning: After reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, you may feel the need to blindly jump into an investment opportunity. There’s nothing wrong with this, but make sure you do your due diligence.
I’ve reread this book recently and it still holds up. I even found a few limiting beliefs that remained.
2. The Richest Man in Babylon
This book was actually mentioned in the previous book I recommended. The Richest Man in Babylon is a straight-up guide on becoming wealthy.
It’s very practical, but most importantly it removes some of those misbeliefs that have sewed the seeds of broke-ness.
I used the principles outlined in this book the last couple of years I was at my day job. In my last 2 years there, I was able to pay off all credit card & student loan debt, pay off my car note, visit 3 countries, raise my net worth by 100K, and give away a substantial amount of money.
I know now that money in itself holds no value. If, however, you are still bound to its perceived value, there’s no reason why you should not thrive financially. The Richest Man in Babylon will help with that foundation.
The Story Telling Books
Stories allow us to take a journey with the author and learn from what is unsaid as much as from what is said.
1. The Alchemist
The Alchemist has sold over 65 million copies and has been translated into a record 80 languages. That’s a lot of books and for good reason.
This book right here!
The Alchemist is probably my favorite book I’ve read so far. I read it at least once a year.
It’s the story of a boy in pursuit of his dreams, but it’s both deeper and simpler than that.
No matter who you are, you will see yourself as one of the characters in this book. It will help you to confront some things you’ve buried deep inside yourself.
I can’t praise this book enough. There are so many life lessons told in story form.
Forget what I said earlier, read this book because I recommended it.
2. Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is another one of those storied books that changes lives. It’s debated upon if the entire story is true, but either way, it’s an awesome read.
It’s not a how-to book. It tells the story of the author while in college and how his life was changed dramatically after meeting a guru of sorts.
I don’t want to give anything away, but reading this will result in you holding yourself to a higher standard of living.
3. Born To Run
I’m not entirely sure what led me to Born To Run, but this is another book I read at least once per year.
This book is a true story. It follows groups of elite runners that can run 50+ miles in one go like it’s nothing.
But this book is more than just that. Born To Run is a story within a story that leads to another exciting story followed by one of the greatest events in sports history.
I let go of so many beliefs centered around the human “body” after reading Born To Run.
If you’ve ever done any kind of recreational running or just wanted to, definitely check out this book.
The Real Deal Truth-Telling Books
The following books aren’t of this world. They are from the real world. It is why its writings ring so true to us. You may not know what I mean by the real world, but after reading any of the following, you’ll have a better understanding.
1. Jesus: My Autobiography
I already know what you’re thinking. What!?!? Jesus: My Autobiography? How Sway?
I thought the same thing. I came across this book from a spiritual ASMR YouTube channel, Pipilika. In her video, she read an excerpt from this book.
What I heard from that excerpt was the truth. There was no denying it. I even tried to. But how can anyone deny the truth? If they could, it wouldn’t be the truth now, would it?
So naturally, I bought the book.
After reading it I knew. I fully accepted the truth, at least my perception of it at the time. Jesus: My Autobiography helped fill the gaps to both biblical and spiritual questions I could never get answered. It opened a door to me hearing God’s voice, an ability that we all possess.
I’ll admit, not everyone is ready for this book. There is a lot of fear in the minds of people about God, the bible, churches, and spirituality. This in itself should offer up a clue. Fear and God cannot co-exist.
Fear is rooted in death. God is life. But like a child playing make-believe, sometimes we’re not ready to give up our illusions. So if you feel scared or uneasy at the idea of reading a book such as this, then you should not.
But it will always be here when you are ready.
2. A Course In Miracles
A Course In Miracles is one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read.
This book and the one I previously mentioned, Jesus: My Autobiography, are both channeled writings that claim to have channeled Jesus. The books are from different authors and different publishing companies.
The interesting thing is that in the book Jesus: My Autobiography, a channeled Jesus recommends his course titled A Course In Miracles. This is how I found out about it.
A Course In Miracles is an extremely slow read for most people. Ok, it was a slow read for me. Every line is like hearing the hottest line from a rap song.
This book is so real that there are many teachers that break down these principles even further. I am now one of them that has chosen music as the form to accomplish this.
If 2020 is the first time you’ve become interested in my music, it’s because of this book. I won’t act like I’m special and know something that you don’t. The opposite is true.
We are all special and I want you to remember the truth. This is why when you hear a song like Let Go you know without a doubt that true words are being spoken. The truth is nothing new. We’ve simply hidden the truth away in favor of illusions.
So if you’re up to it, check out A Course In Miracles. This book is guaranteed to heal you.
Honorable Mentions
These are a few other books worth mentioning that I found helpful that could heal your mind as well.
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – If money is on your mind, this will help you gain the right mindset to acquiring it.
- The Millionaire Fastlane – This book goes through how to create your path to wealth in the quickest way possible.
- Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior – The 2nd book in the series of the Way of the Peaceful Warrior. It’s just as good as the first book. There are two more in the series that I haven’t read yet though, The Journeys of Socrates and The Hidden School.
- Ask and It Is Given – Another channeled writing from the spiritual realm that’s inlined in truth. Shout out to Abraham Hicks.
- The Power of Now – Another one of those truth books. The author reached enlightenment through a deep depression. He shares his story, but more importantly a true path to happiness and enlightenment. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be depressed to reclaim your happiness.
- Tax-Free Wealth – This book shows you how to legally not pay any taxes while creating value for others.
- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind – How to use your mind to manifest your desires.
Do you have any books that healed you that could heal another? Share them below so that all may benefit.