7 Positive Affirmations to Say Everyday for Joy & Peace
Saying daily affirmations will change your life.
Whether you realize it or not, there are already tens of thousands of affirmations that flow through your head daily. What makes them positive or negative is how you’ve defined them.
For instance have you ever wondered why you feel moody & anxious in certain situations, while the person next to you is happy & unbothered? Or have you ever felt like everything always goes wrong, while your friends keep having everything go perfectly smooth?
Well, you’re not alone. We’ve been taught to react to outside circumstances, but in fact, those circumstances react to us. Or more specifically, they react to our thoughts.
Our thoughts create our whole world because we see through the eyes of our beliefs. If I believe that danger is real, it will cause me to see examples of danger in all things. Just as a belief in peace will cause me to see examples of peace in all things.
Since we get to choose our thoughts, we get to choose our world.
Whether it’s a dream vacation, a meaningful job, or being surrounded by loved ones, we get to make that decision.
An affirmation daily is a tool we can use to achieve this. It works by us affirming to ourselves repeatedly the thoughts we would like to govern our lives.
I have put together a powerful list of 7 daily affirmations that will get you back inline with your happy, peaceful, and “lucky” self. These daily affirmations will strengthen you while removing the limits you may have unknowingly placed upon yourself.
Are you ready to be happy all the time? Hey, I had to ask.
Cool, now read on!
How to use these daily affirmations
Say these 7 daily affirmations aloud at least twice a day for 30 days. The ideal times are just before going to sleep and just after waking up.
For more effective results:
- Repeat these daily affirmations while looking at yourself in the mirror or in a camera phone
- Say these affirmations many times throughout the day
- Memorize these affirmations
Let’s get started. Here’s the list. Further down is an explanation of how each will work for you.
The 7 daily affirmations you should be saying all the time
- I am always open to new ways of thinking.
- All I see is love because I am love.
- I forgive all the judgments I’ve placed on myself and others.
- I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
- My energy and enthusiasm are contagious.
- I find myself smiling more and more often.
- I am directly connected to the source of all things.
Print these and say them twice daily. Now let’s get to their meaning and impact.
I am always open to new ways of thinking.
This affirmation opens your mind. It allows you to see things beyond what you may have defined them as.
A simple example is a pencil. You may have defined a pencil as a tool just for writing. Yet it can be used to create worlds on paper, it can be a useful prop in a magic trick, and it can be the source of entertainment as in the game “Pencil Pop”.
All things, even a pencil have infinite possibilities. This is true for people as well. To believe that a person or thing is regulated to just your judgment of it is to greatly limit yourself and your possibilities.
For example the person you may have deemed “stupid” could have a brilliant idea that solves all of your problems. But you would never truly hear that idea from that person’s mouth because you are blinded by the judgment or limit you placed on that person. And remember, we only see through the eyes of our beliefs.
So always being open to new ways of thinking allows you to have endless options and infinite solutions to perceived problems.
All I see is love because I am love.
All things are a reflection. We see ourselves in everything we look upon.
If we see something or someone that makes us angry, it is not the person or thing that angers us. It’s something about ourselves that we see in it that we don’t like.
By accepting the thought that we were made for and created with love, all things we look upon will be lovely to us. They will bring us joy.
With this governing idea, even if someone presents themselves to us as not having love, we will recognize that it’s simply a cry for love. And we can meet that need instantly, by sharing that love in the form of a smile, a hug, a warm handshake, etc because there are also infinite ways to express love.
I forgive all the judgments I’ve placed on myself and others.
You may have noticed by now, judgment is another word for limit. To judge is to limit. To define is to limit. See not limited. Be not limited.
Yes, I wanted yall to see my IG so you can follow me.
But anytime you judge another, a limit also gets placed on yourself.
For example, let’s say you call someone ignorant. You are now living in a world where ignorant people exist. That sucks for you only. So now at all times, you must remain un-ignorant and be seen as un-ignorant by others or it will disrupt your happiness. Not only that, being on the lookout for so-called ignorant people will cause you to lose trust in others that in reality have limitless potential to help you. Yet your judgment renders them powerless.
By not defining anyone or anything, you allow abundance and happiness to flow through you at all times. This is why forgiveness is so powerful.
I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
This affirmation reinforces all of the above ones. Everything is a reflection. So if you see peace, you are at peace. Only you can disrupt that and this affirmation allows you to stay in the peaceful flow of things.
My energy and enthusiasm are contagious.
There’s a reason why we smile around children no matter what. It’s because they smile big at us and we reflect it. Children are full of joy, full of energy, and full of enthusiasm. It rubs off on us and everyone around them.
We were once kids and we all still have this same energy, although we may have it covered. This energy can transform anyone. It doesn’t matter if there’s a so-called toxic or negative person around you because your energy can transform that person into the most positive being there is.
Be that contagious ball of enthusiasm by repeating this affirmation.
I find myself smiling more and more often.
We sort of covered this above, but it’s reinforced yet again. A smile is one of the simplest things we can give to another and it’s returned to us almost instantly. The book How To Win Friends & Influences People devotes an entire lesson to the importance of smiling. Look at it like this. The more people you smile at, the more people will be smiling back at you.
I am directly connected to the source of all things.
As you may be able to tell from my music, I love words. One, in particular, is the word “because”.
All things have a cause and effect. In this physical world, we get caught in the effects of things and react to them. In reality, those effects are just illusions because they don’t exist separate their cause.
The word “because” is telling you to be cause. Be the cause that creates any effect that you desire. You are a creator by nature and therefore you are the source of all things in your world.
The interesting thing about your role as a creator is that you cannot turn it off. You create no matter what. By focusing on doubts, worries, or fears, you create the circumstances that allow you to feel such things. By focusing on joy, love, peace, and awesomeness, you create these things before you.
Take control of your creative power and be reminded of this by the affirmation that you are connected to the source of all things.
This is why you mustn’t do or say anything against another person. You would be in direct opposition to their creative power and neither of you would get as far creatively as you would if you both created for common purposes.
Final Daily Affirmations Instructions
I know, this got a little deeper than either of us expected. But we can agree that the premise is simple, right? Right!
Here are your instructions should you choose to accept them. Say these affirmations daily:
- just after waking up in the morning.
- just before going to bed.
- whenever the thought pops into your head.
- while looking in the mirror.
If you feel you’re going to forget, set up a phone reminder right now. Right. Now!
Do you have a favorite affirmation that you say daily? Share it with all of us reading in the comments below.