One of the most asked questions people ask themselves is, “Why am I here?”
Even asking yourself this question gives a hint toward the answer. In fact, “why am I here” answers itself.
To get to the question’s simplicity, we must pull back some layers of complexity.
I can just give you the answer now (or you can scroll down), but it won’t be accepted without first pulling back these layers.
Understanding your Why
It’s important that you understand why you’re asking this. The reason is that you may not really want the answer to this question, but to many other questions.
For now, let’s explore the two main reasons you may ask, “Why am I here?”
The first is out of pure curiosity. In this way, the answer does not really matter. It’s a question asked at the moment and then let go of in the next.
Surprisingly, when you let go of questions, answers come much faster as opposed to always asking questions.
And since you’re reading this article, chances are you still have questions.
The second main reason you may ask why you are here comes from a not-so-loving place.
Chances are you are bored with life, find it unfulfilling, and/or completely overwhelmed by it.
You want out!
This is not to be confused with wanting to die, you just want out of your current way of living.
Who would blame you? Not loving life is not living.
It’s kind of like undying…you aren’t dying, yet you won’t live.
But the fact that you’re asking this question is HUGE.
Asking, “Why am I here” shows signs of life and that you’re ready for change.
Embrace it and ask yourself again why you are here.
Then let the question go completely knowing deep down you’ll find your answer (hint: it’s below).
Where is “here”?
The “here” in the question is one of the most misunderstood parts because even you as the asker don’t really know what you’re asking.
For example, “here” could mean on earth, in this town, in this relationship, at this job, in this conversation, on this website, in this body, in this skin, at this party, in this time, etc.
You could think you’re asking for one of the above mentioned, but you’re really asking for another one of the above mentioned.
I know…it makes us humans sound confused. This is also true, which is why you understand what I’m pointing out.
But JClay, doesn’t “confused” mean that you don’t understand? Exactly. 😁
Back to “here”.
The first step in understanding why you are here is to know the “here” that you’re asking about.
If you want some extra credit, you can play the “Where’s here?” game. It’s where you ask yourself, “Where am I?”
You’ll probably start with the room that you are in and eventually escalate to your planet. After that, it starts to get tricky, but it’s a good awareness exercise to realize that you aren’t where you think you are.
So if you do play the “Where’s here?” game, try to go as far as you can.
And then of course ask yourself again, “Why am I here?” with the new awareness of where you think here is.
Who is “I” or who are you?
If your brain isn’t tingling yet, it’s about to.
Let’s talk the “I” aka your I-dentity aka your Individuality aka your I-dea of yourself.
Before I go too in-depth, ask yourself right now who you are.
Did answers come up like your name, profession, race, class, etc?
Let’s say you let go completely of your past, all of it. Who are you right now in this moment?
Your sex may have come into play. But are you just flesh? If so, you would’ve died with the millions of cells that died from your body today.
Go deeper. Who are you? And with the knowledge that you’re not a body, what are you?

Photo by Alida Bonifaz
If you were anything like me, you may have thought that you were your thoughts and emotions?
The problem, however, is that thoughts and emotions come and go, and you always seem to remain even when they’re gone.
So you’re not a body, you’re not your thoughts, and you’re not your emotions. What the heck are you?
Don’t say your past either. If you did, go listen to this song right now.
Since your past is gone while you are here, then we can conclude that you’re not your past either.
What you truly are
Let us now answer the questions, “Who am I?” and “What am I?”
Everything you perceive outside of yourself seems to have meaning.
What may not yet be realized is that you gave it all the meaning that it has.
This explains why some of your friends may like partying while you do not (or vice versa).
It’s because it has no meaning to you, or you place no value in it.
You are what gives value to the valueless.
In order to give value, you must be valuable.
In this, your identity is shared with all. You’ve given value to that you want to value and thus your own perceived value is reflected back to you.
You are not apart from anything. In other words, you are one with everything.
This is why mindset is everything.
That which you believe about a person or thing will be made real to you because you gave realness to it through your thoughts. You “realized” it.
Everyone is not ready to accept responsibility for their own thoughts. But once you do, you’ll see that life was always everything you thought it would be.
So what’s your purpose? Whatever you’ve done on purpose. 😁
The answer to, “Why am I here?”
To answer once and for all, “Why am I here”, let’s restate the big reveal from above.
You are not apart from anything…you are one with everything.
You believe that you are a separate being, but the truth is that you are one with all existence.
By asking yourself why you are here, you are siding with the false notion that you could be separate. And so in this asking, you are denying yourself yourself.
To ask, “Why am I here?” is to already have the answer.
The “I” is “here” because you’ve attempted to separate yourself from reality by asking a question that is not possible.
The idea of separateness is the cause of all despair and fear.
“Why am I here?” You are not, well at least not how you believe yourself to be.
You are.
You are not a body or thing.
You are.
You are not a thought or emotion.
You are.
To say that you are anything is to place a limit on yourself and what you are can only be described as limitless. Yet the word “limitless” is just a symbol and cannot represent the totality of what you are.
You exist beyond all existence. You cannot be separate from your Creator just as your creations cannot be separate from you.
Author’s Notes
I know. It got a little deep. Some may not even understand it right now.
It’s ok.
You will eventually.
I’ve even made this album to help you along.
It takes you step-by-step through the undoing of false ideas you have of yourself so that you may tap into your limitless potential.
And best of all, you can chill out and vibe to it from start to finish.
2 thoughts on “Why Am I Here? Tough Question, Simple Answer”
Great perspective. What’s your purpose “whatever you’ve done on purpose”. Now that’s worth stating over and over again. To no fault of yours, I still have the same question. Before I came to this world in this body I must have had a purpose for it. Your points speak to the moment in this present time rather than the beginning of my time, which I believe was in spirit. Before I came to this earth, I purposely made a decision in spirit for some odd reason to come here. Lol.
But either way, you made several great points that no other has touched for me.
Hey Roxs, thanks! To address that, the answer is the same. In this moment you are making the world (future and past). An example is when you find yourself in the middle of a dream. You make a backstory for the scenario and determine where this path will lead you.
This present moment, in reality, is no different. Like most people, whenever they meet someone new, they size the person up (give them a past) and thus give that person a future based on that past.
For example, a man in dusty clothes approaches you at a gas station. The assumption may be, “this guy is homeless and going to ask for money.” That’s both past and future.
As an experiment, try this next time you meet someone new. Say to yourself, “I don’t know anything about this person, but I know this conversation will be filled with useful wisdom.” Now you’ve kept your attention in this moment freeing yourself from any past burdens while leaving the possibility for unlimited potential, which is why you are here.
So what story of your past and future will you give yourself right now? 😁