"Poetic magnificence!
Takes you on a journey that heals you."
About Me
My real name is Jelani Clay.
I make amazing hip-hop music that will show you how to find & keep peace always.
The mind controls the body so healing it is just a matter of correcting your perception.
This is what my music and teachings will do for you.
Neither details of my past nor my “accomplishments” have not been included in this bio because the past serves as a distraction.
Only this moment is real and in it, you have been led to a door that holds the answers you’ve sought since your perceived birth.
The album I have completed, IAMNOBODY, IAMSOMEONE, will answer these questions, reveal your next steps, and elevate your consciousness for good.
You will either be healed instantly or you will recognize what is in the way of your healing in regards to both your mental health and physical health.
“Only the weak have enemies. The strong have inner peace.”
– JClay