Part 3: Spiritual Lessons from Everyday Frustrations: Technology Fails
Mass technology failures aren’t random and they don’t happen to “unlucky” people. There’s a reason. When I say “mass” I don’t mean the entire world, I mean most of your technologies at once.
It sucks…maybe. But before we get into all of that, let’s recap.
In Part 1 we discovered why you may attract traffic jams into your reality and how they serve you. Then in Part 2, we simplified relationships in a way that you will never be bothered by difficult people ever again, if you so choose.
Today’s post is all about why your technology seems to fail often at the wrong possible time.
Let’s get into it.
Examples of Technology Fails
Just to get us on the same page, I want to point out some common electronic failures.
- Siri or Alexa starts randomly talking to you for no reason
- Smoke detectors only detect a low battery
- Vehicle dashboard shows random icons
- Computer is going super duper slow
- Brand-new batteries not lasting long
- Wi-fi does not get a high-five
- Cell phone not making calls
- Smartwatch said nope!
- Light bulbs are dim
Now, none of the above works forever, and it’s not expected to.
So when one or two of these malfunction, no big deal.
But…when about 5 or 6 go on the fritz at the same time, it’s no bueno.
It feels like you’re being targeted somehow, but who would go through all of the trouble to sabotage all these little things in your life?
💡 You already know the answer I’m going to give. You would do these things.
I know you’re thinking, “Bro, I would not do that to myself. That’s dumB with a capital B.”
Well, it’s not for me to judge, and here’s why you shouldn’t either.
The Higher Self
Before I get into the explanation, I want to fill you in on some things about yourself that you may not know.
You are a multi-dimensional being.
That means you exist here and now as you believe yourself to be, but you also exist in other space/times right now. These can include other physical dimensions, spiritual dimensions, and other dimensions we can’t wrap our minds around yet.
Remember in the previous article, we spoke about the example of how to realize you are in a new awareness based on the beliefs you now believe? It’s similar to that.
You make a decision and then your reality bends to reflect the nature of that decision even though moments before, your world was totally different.
So it’s more like your consciousness hovered over the new reality even those the previous one still exists.
Still with me?
A little higher up (and somehow inner), you have what’s referred to as a higher self. You’ve embodied this self many times.
Some of the times you have been aware of and other times you haven’t.
When there’s been an emergency and you did some stuff that can’t be fully explained logically…higher self.
When you had a magical day where nothing bothered you even though there were plenty of opportunities to be bothered…higher self.
Even when you get a deeper understanding of something suddenly…higher self.
The Relationship Between You and Your Higher Self
We live in a 3D world. 3D is 3 dimensional or 3 dimensions (height, width, depth).
You exist in those 3, but also in one part of time….the present. You can believe you travel to the past and the future in your mind, but physically, you are always here now.
Your higher self on the other hand that isn’t tethered to physical reality in the same way, lives in one part of physical reality (you) and more parts of time reality.
It’s like they are 3D+ from a different perspective (past, present, future, all). You can even say 4D, 5D, or more.
I won’t get into the specifics of all of that yet. The important thing to note is that your higher self has a higher & better perspective of what’s to come for you.
And you are always being guided toward that more enjoyable reality in the most optimal way possible.
Site note: Sometimes people confuse God with the Higher Self. It’s not wrong to do because technically your Higher Self is closer to God vibrationally speaking…but also depending on Who you believe God Is.
The word God also sounds like Guide and your higher self is also a guide if you allow yourself to be guided.
Your higher self speaks to you in many ways: from the gentle whispers of inspiration, the effervescence of joy, the warmth of good feeling, the serenity of peacefulness, to the profound clarity of inspired thoughts.
It’s all your higher self gently guiding you towards actions to take or feelings to embrace, illuminating your path with purpose and clarity.
So when you hear phrases like, “Order my steps Lord” or “Jesus take the wheel” it’s an acknowledgment that you don’t know all and that you’re willing to be guided.
This brings us to trust.
For the relationship between you and your higher self to work properly, you have to trust it.
It’s not like you’re trusting a third party that you know nothing about. Your higher self is another part of you. Your higher self wants you to thrive because it’s in your higher self’s interest.
So every situation that you find yourself, is a hand-picked situation just for you. It’s a shortcut to get you what you want in the fastest way possible.
But every time you interfere with this, you delay things further because you miss what’s here for you in this moment.

Photo by Lane Marie
So your higher self must try again and again and again and again and again.
Sometimes it’s tough when you’ve encased yourself in fear, doubt, and worry. You’re almost unable to hear your higher self.
The Part That Your Failing Technology Plays
I’m sure you see where this is going now.
When your technology fails, your higher self is saying, “STOP! Take a breath.”
That may seem like a lot of work for a simple message but don’t underestimate the power of taking a breath.
There are many gifts in the present. That’s why it’s called the present.
You can only experience (or in-sperience) those gifts when you are present.
The present moment when free of all of your judgements is real. Everything else is not. Be real.
The situation or circumstance you are encountering right now has a benefit to you. You may not know what this benefit is until many now-moments later, but the benefit will always be here if you allow it to be.
Key Points
So as you go about your day and possibly explore this website further, remember these 3 things.
- Listen to your higher self. Your higher self knows more about you than you do.
- Never assume that a perceived inconvenience is a bad thing.
- Enjoy every moment. That’s your true purpose.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this 3-part series.
Comment below if you have any questions.
Last, considering sharing this with the masses. But before you do, check in with your higher self.