Why You Keep Losing To The Enemy
Whether it’s a hater, someone of different financial status, the police, the government, a member of another political party, a member of another religion, or the devil … people believe in an enemy.
By enemy, I’m referring to someone you believe wishes you harm, ill-fate, or failure.
Before we get into the purpose of your enemy, let’s talk about some of the positives of an enemy.
The Enemy That Unites
Siblings fight. Let a neighbor wish to harm a sibling, siblings will unite against the neighbor.
Neighbors fight. Let people of a rival block/neighborhood wish to harm a person of another neighborhood, neighbors will unite against the rival neighborhood.
Students fight. Let a rival school wish to harm a student of another school, students will unite against the rival school.
This goes on for organizations, cities, states, countries, and even earth if we saw an alien nation as a threat. And don’t let Thanos come to threaten the galaxy. Then all the aliens will be joining forces.
What’s my point?
If all of these people can unite under the threat of an enemy, why can’t they just unite?
But even the fact that people are uniting means an enemy isn’t such a bad thing, right?
The Enemy That Reveals
Many consider a person that says hurtful things to you as an enemy. But our real anger is not with the enemy. It’s with ourselves. I’ll explain.
If someone says to you, “Hey, your body is made of marbles.”
You’ll just look at them confused. You know for a fact that your body is not made of marbles. You wouldn’t even argue. You would disregard the comment and move on.
Yet if you’re a rapper and someone says, “Your raps suck!” You may take offense. But what’s the difference and why take offense now?
The difference is, it only appears to hurt when you believe that it’s true.
By becoming angry, you now get a glimpse of your true beliefs. If you no longer wish to be angered by such thoughts, you now know exactly what limiting beliefs to let go of.
Beliefs are important because they are the lens through which we view the world.
For example, if you believe that people suck, you will always find examples of people that fit these conditions.
But if you believe that everyone is your savior, you will hear God’s voice behind everyone’s words and understand exactly what you were meant to hear in those moments despite what was spoken.
Now back to our original example.
To recap, you’re a rapper and you were just told, “Your raps suck!”
If this statement is believed, the common behavioral pattern is to dislike the revealer of your beliefs. You may even go around telling others how much you dislike this person.
Once again, how can such a person be considered an enemy? This “enemy” has just given you the keys to the kingdom.
He/she has given you an actual way to expand your once limited beliefs.
The Enemy That Inspires
Many that we consider successful have said variations of the following:
- I want to thank my haters for doubting me.
- “They” said I wouldn’t amount to anything, so I did this to show “them”.
- I did this because “they” said I couldn’t.
If enemies are responsible for so many major successes, are they really enemies?
The Reason Why You Keep Losing To The Enemy
The reason you keep losing to the enemy is that you believe that you’re weak and that your so-called enemy is strong.
To put it another way, this enemy exists only in your mind and is created in your own likeness.
You’ve created this enemy because you believe that you can rid yourself of guilt/pain/shame by directing it away from yourself and toward another.
This is the source of your suffering.
Everything you share with another gets received by the other and then reflected back to you so that you also receive it. So the feelings you seek to get rid of it, you receive them back doubly if the person received those feelings as you intended.
What about those that have become “successful” because of their enemies?
These people also appear lost. They are slaves because they do things for their “enemies” out of spite instead of doing things from their own desire. They can be controlled by saying, “You can’t do that.”
Let go of the idea of an enemy. See enemies for what they truly are.
They are your brothers, your sisters. They are holy beings of light (hue-man beings).
These people are saviors that unite us. They are saviors that show us our perceived limits so that we may be free of them forever.
These so-called enemies are saviors that inspire us to be our best selves, our True Self.
Next Step
Observe your thoughts. Don’t give in to the idea that an enemy controls your behavior or fate.
Observe how the idea of an enemy is replayed over and over throughout our society.
Don’t judge it, just observe it.
The plot of most movies, tv shows, and rap songs are focused on building up an “enemy” that does seemingly despicable things without remorse. Then it is usually ended by people of various backgrounds uniting to defeat this despicable character.
Apologies because you’re going to see this EVERYWHERE now.😄
Depending on your feelings or how you’ve judged this content while consuming it (ie a tv show, a song, etc), you will understand why you always have an enemy.
It’s only because you believe in distrust so you seek witnesses of its existence.
You speak about it. You fantasize about what you would do in a given situation when confronted with such distrust.
Let go of that belief. You can replace it with thoughts of trust, but since trust is part of your natural state, you need not do anything but let go.
“Only the weak have enemies, and the strong have inner peace.”
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